If you think you are ready for some advanced VRay material tricks and techniques, this video tutorial is for you!
VRay has amazing capacity for creating very complex materials. You just have to learn to think outside the box.
In this tutorial, Viscorbel will show you how to use:
VRayBlendMtl, Anisotropy Maps, Faloff Maps, Mix Maps and VRayCarPaintMtl for some very unique looking materials. This is NOT for beginners, but it can open your eyes for some advanced methods you can use in your work.
Here is a list of the materials covered:
Pearl, white
Pearl, black
CD surface
2 layer crackled glass
3 layer crackled glass with gold flakes
Quick and easy ground cover – Dirt, Gravel, Snow
Anisotropic pan
Rough sanded (brushed) metal
Peach with fuzz
Smudged glass
Dirty window
Chameleon Paint
This product is available as Download-Only. Only the final materials are included (not the test scenes). You will need 3Ds Max 2010+ and VRay to open the material library, but you can follow the videos with older versions as well.